

Each Padmaja piece is a story of women and their dexterous hands. It hides in the seams, and whispers from the folds. Look close and listen - The hum of the spinner on the spinning wheel, the clacking of the shuttle on the handloom, the whirr of the sewing machine. Trace each stitch back to hands like yours. The love put into every step and stitch of the creation is embedded in it and will leave its soft notes in the experience of the wearer.

Padmaja believes that true development of a society cannot happen without education and empowerment of women. To fine tune every micro detail from the yarn, weave, texture, colour and drape, to weave a modern design language using traditional Indian textiles, Padmaja engages in intense collaborations with women artisanal communities.

Each piece made in the studio has gone through the hands of skilled rural women artisans, who lend their inherent feminine grace and strength to the cloth they create.